Thursday, May 13, 2010

Immigration reform

The report of Americans favoring Arizona’s new immigration law in polls by McClatchy-Ipsos and the Pew Research Center is a breath of fresh air. We constantly hear and see immigration-rights activists railing against the racist unfairness of virtually any type of control being exercised by the United States over our borders. Enforcing immigration law is seen as draconian and inhumane by these activists. Thankfully we can see that the vast majority of Americans support some action at long last on an issue that has commanded bipartisan neglect for decades from our elected leaders. Democrats looking for new constituents and Republicans looking for cheap labor have left us completely adrift in addressing this issue.

So many analogies seem to make this problem clear, that it is one of legal administrative control of our country and not some pogrom against Hispanics. People are not offended by seeing so many immigrant faces, they are offended by knowing there are 12 million illegal immigrants in this county; driving without licenses or insurance, using services that should go to citizens first, using other people’s social security numbers and identities to obtain work—ruining the credit histories of untold Americans. Some of these aliens are involved in other illegal activities no doubt, and their unknown presence here and lack of identification makes them very hard to apprehend or prosecute.

Do the activists know what the penalties would be for an American being in Mexico illegally? They are harsher than ours! Mexico deports more illegal immigrants than we do, and their immigration law could very well be a model to use for our own country. See for illustrations.

With good conscience, can immigration-rights activists think that Mexico would stand by if millions of illegal American immigrants were to clamor for rights, services and government accommodations? How would the Mexican populace react to Americans taking to the streets of Mexico City on the Fourth of July, waving American flags, shouting pro-American slogans, and generally making a nuisance of themselves? They would have every reason to be appalled and outraged.

Lets look at other scenarios that deflate the racist aspect of this issue: Take 12 million illegal French Quebec immigrants swarming across the Great Lakes states and New England, demanding school programs about French history, bilingual services, and respect for their culture. How about 12 million illegal Russian immigrants flooding into Alaska, demanding school books about the “re-conquest” of that part of the United States. Demanding government programs for Russian-speaking people, and the waiving of any penalties for their illegal entry into this county. I can tell you it would not matter one bit that these were people of Anglo-European origin; Americans would want our laws obeyed and our borders secured.

This neglect of our immigration problems has led this county to the brink of yet another catastrophe, following the Federal Government’s myopic response to disasters in the housing market, the Banking industry, Wall Street, energy policies, etc. I ask that immigration-rights activists really think about the analogous situations I have described and ask themselves to be honest as to what is their real and true aim in legalizing 12 million illegal immigrants?